Sure, giving a pill to your dog can be a bit of a challenge, but it's nothing compared to trying to give a pill to a cat. Face it – when your cat decides that it doesn't want to do something, it becomes a furry ball of teeth and claws, and it can be pretty difficult to get anything done without ending up with a bunch of wounds in the process.
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Cats make great pets, which is one of the reasons that we want to keep them around for as long as possible. However, cats can make this quite difficult as they are often very good at hiding their pain or discomfort until it is too late to save them. Loud vocalization and bad grooming are just two reasons to get your cat to the vet quickly.
Loud Vocalization
While it is not uncommon for some cats or cat breeds to be very vocal and meow a lot, it is almost never a good sign when your cat's volume increases to the point where he or she is yowling.
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Arthritis is a painful and limiting disease that's not easy to spot in your cat. Subtle signs can tell you that your cat is having a problem with their muscles and joints. There are a number of ways to treat arthritis in cats. The sooner the disease is diagnosed and treatment started, the more likely your veterinarian can slow down further joint damage. Here is how arthritis affects your cat and how you can help.
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Like humans, pets can suffer from hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when the blood sugar gets so low that it affects the animal's functioning. In some cases, it can be life threatening or result in permanent damage, like blindness. Because pets often can't tell us what is wrong with them, or sometimes like to hide illnesses, hypoglycemia may be overlooked until it's life threatening.
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia:
Pets with hypoglycemia exhibit symptoms similar to humans with the same issue.
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For many years, dog owners were encouraged to vaccinate their pets for just about every disease possible. While some veterinarians still choose to take this approach, more and more veterinarians are choosing to adopt the guidelines set forth by the American Animal Hospital Association. These guidelines which were updated in 2006 refer to core and non-core vaccinations. Core vaccinations are those which the association believes should be given to all dogs.
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