Get Your Cat Back on Track to a Healthy Weight with a Visit to the Vet
Significant weight gain can be a very common problem for indoor-only cats, leading to potential health issues such as diabetes or arthritis. While it's very easy for your cat to become overweight if they spend most or all of their time indoors, there are a number of ways that you can treat them by visiting your veterinarian.
Instead of attempting to treat your cat alone by reducing their food intake, it's best to have a vet give you the professional advice that will benefit them most.
Current Diet Analysis
The first thing that a veterinarian can do for your cat is analyze their current diet. Although you may think that the diet your cat is eating is a healthy one, you may find that it is too high in carbs or other nutrients that could be attributing to weight gain.
New Food Recommendations
After you've discussed what kind of food your cat is currently eating, your vet can then begin to recommend some new diets. They may find that a diet high in protein is a good option or would rather choose a low-calorie diet due to the minimal physical activity your cat does. Whatever diet they recommend, their advice can be extremely helpful if you're unsure of what to feed your cat for weight loss.
Ideas for Exercising
Keeping an indoor cat active is a challenge that many cat owners face, so it can be helpful for your vet to recommend some ways to keep them moving at home. Exercising with feather dancers, laser pointers, and other stimulating toys may all be recommended, helping your cat get the exercise they need to be at a healthy weight.
Exam for Potential Health Problems
While lack of exercise and a poor diet can both attribute to weight gain in indoor cats, there's always the chance that your cat could have an underlying health problem. With a full exam from your vet, any of these issues can be found and treated without delay.
Incorporate Nutritional Supplements
Along with making adjustments to your cat's regular diet, your vet may recommend that they take supplements. Dietary supplements including digestive enzymes and fatty acids may be just what your cat needs to get the nutrition they need.
By making an appointment with your vet, at a clinic like Centennial Animal Hospital, and discussing the above services, you can expect your cat to be back to a healthy weight in no time at all.